Providing legal support to mental health practitioners, practices, agencies, and institutes
The Experience and Insight You Need

Our Legal Practice is Informed By Our Mental Health Experience

To meet your patients’ needs, your mental health practice must function on several levels, including efficiency, legal compliance, and ethics. This process is complex and sometimes overwhelming. We are here to help.

Our boutique mental health law practice assists with the wide range of legal issues our clients face. Schaupp McDermott offers comprehensive legal advice and representation regarding risk management and ethics consultation, employment and business operations, and license defense and non-party subpoena representation. We are devoted to assisting mental health practitioners, practices, agencies, and institutes. Our prior experience as psychotherapists and psychoanalysts informs our deep understanding of both the legal and clinical aspects of mental health practice in New York State.

Learn More About Us
Dual Expertise in Law and Mental Health
Comprehensive and Specialized Services
Boutique and Client-Centered Approach

Why Mental Health Providers Choose Us

We know mental health law

We understand mental health practice

We offer a holistic approach

We are passionate about what we do

Schaupp McDermott Mental Health Law
Schaupp McDermott Mental Health Law

82 Main Street, Suite 201
Huntington, NY 11743

Phone: 646-233-1680

Schaupp McDermott Mental Health Law